Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Ap Biology Photosynthetic Organism Free Response Essays

Ap Biology Photosynthetic Organism Free Response Essays Ap Biology Photosynthetic Organism Free Response Essay Ap Biology Photosynthetic Organism Free Response Essay The rate of photosynthesis may vary with changes that occur in environmental temperature, wavelength of light, and light intensity. Using a photosynthetic organism of your choice, choose only ONE of the three variables (temperature, wavelength of light, or light intensity) and for this variable. Design a scientific experiment to determine the effect of the variable on the rate of photosynthesis for the organism Explain how you would measure the rate of photosynthesis in your experiment Describe the results you would expect. Explain why you would expect these results. The rate of photosynthesis is affected by environmental factors like light intensity, light wavelength, and temperature. This experiment will test the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in a plant called Elodea. Elodea is an easy plant to use for this experiment because it is cheap, abundant, and easy to take care of. This photosynthetic organism needs to be kept in an aerated freshwater tank. To do this experiment, put the Elodea in a beaker of freshwater. Anchor the Elodea using a small weight like a paperclip so that the plant remains in the same position and up right through the entire experiment. Place the beaker of water containing the Elodea in front of a light bulb. In between the beaker and the light bulb, there should be a separate beaker of water that is used to absorb any heat produced by the light. This way the experiment will not be affected by another environmental factor, temperature. Every thirty seconds for five minutes, count the number of bubbles given off by the Elodea. After the first five minutes, move the beaker containing the Elodea about ten centimeters back and let it stand for two minutes so that it can adjust to the new intensity of the light. Count the bubbles released every thirty seconds for five minutes. Move the Elodea back ten more centimeters, let it adjust for two more minutes, then count the number of bubbles released again every thirty seconds for five more minutes. The same piece of Elodea must be used throughout the experiment in order to eliminate any natural reasons why one piece might photosynthesize faster than another (for example, one piece might have more leaves to enhance the amount of light absorbed at a time). The rate of photosynthesis can be determined different ways. Because oxygen is a product of photosynthesis and the Elodea plant is submerged in water, the oxygen is released in bubbles that rise to the surface of the water in the beaker. In this experiment, the rate of photosynthesis for each degree of light intensity can be measured by counting the number of bubbles released every 30 seconds for five minutes at each distance. The rate is the number of bubbles released per minute. Organisms that use the process of photosynthesis to create sugar to use for energy have a greater rate of photosynthesis when the intensity of the light source is the greatest. If light is far away from the leaves of a plant, for example, then it takes more time for the light to be absorbed and used in photosynthesis. When it takes more time for the light to reach the leaves, the rate of photosynthesis decreases. As the light intensity increases, I would expect the rate of photosynthesis to increase as well. Therefore, I would expect that when the Elodea is closest to the light bulb, the rate of photosynthesis would be the greatest. My hypothesis would be: If light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis, and the rate of photosynthesis is measured using the amount of oxygen given off by Elodea with a light bulbs placed at different distances, then the rate of photosynthesis in Elodea will be greatest when the intensity of the light bulb is greatest.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Customizing the Spellchecker in Microsoft Word

Customizing the Spellchecker in Microsoft Word Customizing the Spellchecker in Microsoft Word The spellchecker in Microsoft Word is a useful tool (even if it can’t replace proofreading). However, to make the most of this tool, you may need to check its settings. And in this post, to help out, we’re looking at three ways of customizing the spellchecker in Microsoft Word: Setting the proofing language Adding and ignoring specific terms via the contextual menus Editing and creating custom dictionaries Read on to make sure that you can use the spellchecker to maximum effect. 1. Setting the Proofing Language The simplest way to customize the spellchecker in MS Word is to change the proofing language. If you are writing for a U.S. audience, for example, you will want to use American English. This will make sure the spellchecker looks for U.S. spellings (e.g., color instead of the U.K. English colour). To check the proofing language in Microsoft Word, all you need to do is: Select the text you want to spellcheck (use Ctrl + A to select all text) Look for the current language on the status bar The status bar in MS Word, including the proofing language. And if you need to change the language setting: Select the text you want to spellcheck Go to Review Language Proofing Language on the main ribbon (or Tools Language in Word for Mac) In the new window that opens, select the language required and click OK Selecting the proofing language. This will change the proofing language used for the selected text. 2. Adding and Ignoring Terms As well as changing the proofing language, you can add individual terms to the spellchecker dictionary. This is useful when Microsoft Word does not recognize a proper noun or a technical term, as the spellchecker will underline it in red even if it is spelled correctly. For instance, if we were writing about the philosopher Paul Ricoeur, we may need to use his surname a lot. And while Microsoft Word does recognize some famous or common names, it marks â€Å"Ricoeur† as an error. So if we want to use the spellchecker, we will need to fix this. To do so, we can right click the underlined term and select Add to Dictionary. It will then be added to the dictionary for all documents. Adding a term to the custom dictionary. If you don’t want to make a permanent change, you can tell the spellchecker to ignore words. For instance, you can click Ignore while running a spellcheck to overlook a single term. But you can also click Ignore All to stop the spellchecker from highlighting the term anywhere in the document. 3. Customizing the Spellchecker Finally, for complete control over the spellchecker, you can edit your dictionary. This â€Å"custom dictionary† includes any terms that you have selected via the Add to Dictionary option mentioned above. But you can also add and remove terms from the dictionary by: Going to File Options Proofing (or Preferences Spelling Grammar in Word for Mac if you are not using a Windows computer) Clicking Custom Dictionaries Selecting your custom dictionary (usually named CUSTOM.DIC) Clicking Edit Word List Adding or removing terms as required and clicking OK to confirm Editing the custom dictionary. You can also import and create custom dictionaries for particular documents by clicking New or Add in this menu. This can be useful when working to a specific style guide, allowing you to quickly import saved spellings.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Organization Structure and Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organization Structure and Performance - Essay Example Starbucks Corporation is the â€Å"flat organization† with no hierarchy structure as they provide an equal opportunity for all members to voice their opinions and provide feedback. There is democratic leadership in Starbucks Co. that pulls subordinates into the decision-making process. The Chairman of Starbucks, Schultz decided to treat employees as family, and called them partners. He provides a work environment that encourages hardworking among employees and they treat each other with dignity and respect. satisfy customers and shareholders, through its competitive advantage. Its retail business is currently structured as Starbucks U.S. and Starbucks Coffee International (SCI) has presence in 55 markets including United States (Anonymous, 2011). Starbucks will move to a new three-region organizational structure: (1) China and Asia Pacific: All Asia Pacific markets and China, (2) Americas: United States, Canada, Mexico and Latin America and (3) EMEA: Europe, U.K., Middle East, Russia and Africa (Ford, 2005). A President for each Region will oversee the company-operated retail business, working closely with both the licensed and joint-venture business partners in each market. They will also work closely with Starbucks Global Consumer Products and FoodService team to continue building out Starbucks brands and channels in each region (Rainey & Thompson, 2006). The fit between organizational strategy, structure and leadership is Starbuck’s Mission and its set of Principles that address the structure and leadership in the organization whilst strategically directing the organization to achieve the customer satisfaction at all times. Application of these principles can be used as a guideline for all employees from managers to workers to aim to achieve the company’s goals, while maintaining required standard in professionalism. According to its mission statement, â€Å"to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What makes people attractive to others Research Paper

What makes people attractive to others - Research Paper Example The two most exciting life incidences about life in college for young men is the possibility of development of a relationship away from relatives; either just friendship or romantic. The paper posits that college men become attracted to others when they identify an admirable quality in them. The paper outlines these qualities and their effects in attractiveness. The secret identified in the discussion as overlaying attraction is self love. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor other people. They are open to all love gestures directed to them. This makes their character to be viewed in a positive light. They express their love in every way and think about it most of the time. With such an attitude no ill thoughts about others can clog their mind. According to Harper, college men should understand that human interactions are vital in acquiring a sense of well-being, happiness and self esteem (402). The paper also stresses on the emotional as well as physical well-being because , at their age, the community expects college men to be energetic both physically and emotionally. This implies that one may be physically healthy but emotionally challenged leading to overall adverse effects on their interactions. It will also be difficult for a young man to sustain a meaningful relationship if they lack emotional stability. DISCUSSION The education status of college men demands that much of their thinking capacity be preoccupied by academic issues; not life shocks and stresses. This is an indication that if one does not uphold proper interactive tendencies towards people, his academic performance will certainly be affected negatively. When they discover that people do not like them, emotions run the gamut from defensive indignation to a feeling of deep pain and enormous sadness. One should focus on improving both his physical and emotional character while streamlining self attitude towards other people. However, young college men may look physically tattered, frai l and unattractive if they do not embrace a healthy lifestyle. Healthy people engage in some form of daily exercise alongside healthy diets to support the physical stability of their energetic bodies. One should indulge in this because they respect themselves and not aiming to impress others. The strategy can entail the involvement of a group activity. This promotes positive interactions with the group members. Attractive people maintain their emotional wellbeing through allowing themselves time to focus. This detaches them from adrenaline negative impacts such as distractions and clutters (Davenport point 32). There are many virtues that one needs to acquire to ensure they are attractive to other people especially the college mates and the teaching staff. It is eminent for one to develop his personal operating system (Davenport point 1). This can be accomplished through curving out and defining their philosophy, values, interests and reality than blindly embracing that of their pee rs and the community at large. When people understand your likes and dislikes, the interactive attitude they portray upon you will be related to the stipulated principles. Expressing one’s personality indicates that one accepts who they are. Therefore, people interact with the real self and not a fake personality. Accepting who we are requires personal sacrifice as one lets go of the need for validation (Davenport point 2). Attractive people speak constructively and attach sense in whatever they discuss. Although the current trends among the peers associate naughty-boy image with attractiveness towards young ladies, this notion is short-lived and causes harm to self-worth

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Good Country People Essay Example for Free

Good Country People Essay This essay will delve into the life of Flannery O’Connor not only as it is told biographically but as her life relates and is reiterated in the stories she writes. By using O’Connor’s fiction as a backdrop to her life, the essay will focus on the bizarre characterization of the protagonists of O’Connor’s stories as much as O’Connor herself was a very unique person. Thus, O’Connor will be exemplified as being explained through her characters such as in the story Good Country People. O’Connor was a great user of allegory in her stories. As O’Connor in her life was an introvert most of her characters are gregarious such as in Good Country People and the character Hulga. Hulga denies herself first in the story by the changing of her name from Joy to Hulga which signifies O’Connor’s own contempt of falsities. She is stating through the character Hulga that people are prone to be blind in areas in which they should be keeping both eyes open. She states this in regard to events in her own life such as growing up Catholic in a mostly Protestant neighborhood. Hulga is blind to her own personality and what she is capable of doing and by changing her name she is trying to rewrite her own history. O’Connor as a write can sympathize with this notion as through her characters O’Connor is trying to find her own identity. O’Connor’s true niche in writing lay with the creation of the tragic hero. She felt that she herself was a tragic hero since she at once had to overcome a physical malady as well as remain static because of that malady and thereby not enjoy the world nor prove to the world the capabilities of the self; herself. Her second belief was that the world is charged with God (Wikipedia). She was unapologetic in her writing style and the ‘grotesque’ characters with which she filled her stories. Each character of O’Connor’s fiction brought on a fundamental change for the character. When Hulga changes her name and then meets Manly Pointer and goes through a very quick transformation. The rejection of the name Joy to the embrace of the name Hulga reveals for the audience that Hulga does not enjoy herself but expects life to be filled with disappointment and in fact has been taught as much from family and neighbors. Upon meeting Manly Pointer Hulga, Hulga is contemptuous and sees herself as better then him whom she describes as simple and dim witted yet agrees to go on a picnic with him in order to show him a deeper meaning to life (Hulga is hung up on suffering and sadomasochistic fantasies). In fact, Hulga is the one who is ignorant about the world as Manly Pointer demonstrates a series of hoodwinking events in which he seduces Hulga and leaves with her wooden leg. This is where Manly Pointer reveals his true self and where the reader is exposed to the true Hulga. O’Connor was brilliant at recognizing the validity of a person in key moments. Hulga had to be stripped of her dignity in order to be humble and recognize some truths about herself. This parlays to the fact of O’Connor’s illness and her attempting to make sense and assign some sort of purpose to the disease in which she could see none as a Catholic expect to think of it as a way in which it allowed herself to remain humble before God. As O’Connor states in Good Country People, Everybody is different, Mrs. Hopewell said. Yes, most people is, Mrs. Freeman said. It takes all kinds to make the world. I always said it did myself. (OConnor 181 -82) Thus, O’Connor is exemplifying that diversity is the key to the enjoyment of life and that ascertaining to the idea of perfection is unconscionable. O’Connor’s niche in literature was the writing of tragedy. This is seen not only when Manly Pointer steals Hulga’s leg and she must wait for assistance up in the tree house. O’Connor wanted her characters to be presented through a dichotomy of good and bad or through their capabilities of violence paired with their being touched by divine grace (Wikipedia). This change then is painful; for Hulga it is pride and the fact that she is faced with her own ineptitude and country ways. Each character falls in the story, tragically and ironically. Thus, O’Connor is not sentimental in her stories which reveals a character trait of her own; the absence of pity from her life as it is from her stories. This plays into the concept of identity which relates to most of O’Connor’s characters; the self journey and the eventual finding of the self at the end of the journey no matter who the self truly is. O’Connor for her part led a very sheltered life so the theme of a journey is prevalent in most of her stories, especially in Good Country People. O’Connor liked to write about displaced people because she herself felt out of place or even she felt this theme got to the truth of humanity faster than a character that already has sought redemption at the beginning of the story. O’Connor wrote about the journey just as much as she wrote about the metamorphoses of the characters since for O’Connor it was in the change of character, the switch from sin to asking for forgiveness that marked her life. Work Cited O’Connor, Flannery. Good Country People. Harcourt Company, Noonday Press, 1977.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Consequences of Conformity in The Chocolate War Essay -- essays resear

Consequences of Conformity in The Chocolate War Throughout Robert Cormier’s The Chocolate War, the theme of the consequences of conformity, or nonconformity, is expressed. Although The Chocolate War was first published in 1974, this theme still pertains to the youth of today. This novel is timeless because teenagers will always face the choice of whether to be true to themselves, or to conform to what other’s expect of them. In response to this theme, David Peck states, â€Å"what this idea becomes is the concept of being true to oneself and standing up to the evil that one perceives in the world† (Peck 2). Furthermore, this idea is conveyed when Jerry refuses to participate in his school’s chocolate sale. At first he refuses to participate in the fundraiser because of an â€Å"assignment† gi...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Craven Books Issues

The purpose of this paper is to give and provide detailed information about the reason why Craven Books was having issues on the implementation of the new information technology system which should help to improve the performance of the business. Other than that, the implementation of this new information technology system nearly makes Craven Books face bankruptcy and lost many customers.In this paper, 3 issues that lead Craven Books faced failure in the implementation of the new information technology system will be chosen to discuss in detailed. Each issue will be discuss in detailed together with any related case studies that can take as reference and recommendations to eliminate and cope each issue.Company’s BackgroundCraven Books is a distributor of comics and magazines and books. The company was founded and evolves in the market place in the late 1960 as it founder, Peter Craven started to distribute sci-fi and horror books through direct mail. In 1970’s, the busi ness began to be known in the market place by buying comics in bulk from both the American publishers and the second hand comic market and sell this on their customers in the United Kingdom by using a mail order catalogue. This had helped the company to grow in the market place and be known by many other customers. Because of this the company had been able to encounter growth both in profit and in the number of their regular customers.In this regard, the company decided to use a new information system as part of their business strategy. In 1990’s, this plan has been initiated as Craven Books invest in new integrated information systems that will include all business operations of the company, from ordering, to processing, accounting and warehousing. All in one information system which aims to ensure that they will provide quality service to their customers and to make their logistics be more dependable. However, upon implementation of such project, the company’s expect ation has not been achieved and worst, it weakens the competitiveness of the company and the competitive advantage  that it builds had been destabilized.Reasons That Cause Unsuccessful Of Information Technology System According to the video that was showed in class which is titled ‘The Great IT Horror Story’, there were many reasons that lead the implementation of this new information technology system into disaster and chaos to the business. In addition, people who were relevant to the cause of this incident were being interviewed too and they also gave out their own opinion on why this disaster can happened and what preventions or actions should be made to cope and prevent the issues on the implementation of the new information technology system.As mentioned, due to the objective to have and efficient distribution system, the management of Craven Books has decided to create an IT system. At first, the new system was expected to and should provide great time, effort and savings for the company to achieved the company’s objective but upon implementation of the new systems, the company’s expectation has not been achieve and even worst, it weakens the competitiveness of the company and the competitive advantages that the Craven Bookstore built had been not stable. In the video, it shows the common or classic mistake that make by the small business which also make by Craven Books that lead to this failure. Through this report, the following are the reasons why the new system in Craven Books was a failure.1.) Unable to determine the suitable IT system One of the first reasons for the failure of the system is the over-ambitious of Craven Books’ management that unable to determine the best IT system to use, to prepare a strategic plan before the implementation which lead to the result in choosing the IT system that is unfit to the company. Due to the reason that the company wants to be more competitive immediately, they pick the s ystem without even trying to identify whether the system really works or not. Furthermore, there wasn’t anyone is in charge of the systems to teach the employees to use the new system.2.) Rely too much on software consultants Another mistake was that Craven is relying too much on its software consultants, did not try to review or assess the given system to test its efficiency and effectiveness before it implemented. The consultant’s suggested Craven to go for an existing system because the implementation of customized system was a bad choice to achieve Craven’s purpose or objective; it’s like putting a third wing on a jumbo jet as the thing was going so fast that the desire result wouldn’t be achieved. Besides that, the project will not employ a staff to monitor, so that when the system went wrong there was no one has to take responsibility on it.The company was giving choice on the standard package that provide the advantages of the low cost and t he another one is tailored solution which give the advantage to use the tailored solution that can modified the system that suit to the business but on the other side this method is more expensive than the standard package.3.) Disaster strikes After the implementation of the new system, Craven faced some disaster strikes, they lost most of their major or main customers and almost more than 60% of the staffs were being dismissed. Because of the failure in the new system, it brings many negative feedbacks to the company. This leads many issues that reduce the company’s performance such as the conflict that happen in the actual situation with the result shown in the computer system.Despite that, the inaccurate of the weight device that was implant in the computer system always give wrong measurements and this problem had lost customers and created many angry customers due to the wrong orders were being deliver to the customers. In order to manage this disaster, the company had t o fire most of the staff and changes back the system to old system. The computer disaster cost Craven about $1 million dollar.4.) No one to blame or responsible for the failure of system Another reason of this failure of new system that there wasn’t anyone is responsible or managed to the project and the absent of a project team leaders that should be accountable to the system and lead the project into success. In the end, the suppliers and Cravens blamed each other for the result that it should be the responsibility of the company’s management because they didn’t do any preparation or strategic planning before the implementation of the project.In this report, we have picked 3 reasons that cause the unsuccessful of the new information system which was implemented by Craven Books to discuss:1. Unable to determine the suitable system for business 2. Rely too much on software consultants 3. No one to blame or responsible for the failure of systemIssue 1 The first r easons which cause the unsuccessful of the new system that we would like to discuss is the failure of Craven Books’ management level to determine the suitable system that can help the company to achieve objective and improve performance. The management level of Craven Books cannot decide and determine the appropriate system to the company because they were over-ambitious to improve their company’s performance and competitiveness quickly.In the end, they didn’t develop a strategic plan before the implementation of the new system. Other than that, they also didn’t conduct any testing on the new system to identify whether the system really can help the company to reach their objectives. Furthermore, there wasn’t anyone is appointed to handle and in charge the systems to teach the user or employee the proper method to conduct the new system.Example case As for example, a similar case study has been chosen in order to compare and discuss with this issue . This shows that Craven Books wasn’t the only victim of the information technology disaster. The similar case that happened under the same reason as Craven Books is FoxMeyer Corp. during 90’s.Due to the intense competition among competitors, FoxMeyer was in a great need of a solution that would have helped the company to achieve a complex supply chain decisions and improve the company’s performance. During the early 90’s, the company’ management level decide to focus on a business strategy of transferring the company into low cost distributor to increase competitive advantage and also provide differentiated services to different target customers.Based on the supply chain analysis that had been developed by the company, it was decided that an ERP system would provide a perfect solution for FoxMeyer to achieve the company’s objectives and goals. In  1992, the company had decided to hire Arthur Andersen consulting company to implement the SA P (R/3).The implementation of SAP In September 1993, FoxMeyer had contracted with SAP, Anderson Consulting and Arthur Andersen & Co. to implement the R/3 software. This multi-million dollar project had covered the entire supply chain and was the first information system launched in the pharmaceutical industry that utilized extensive technology coupled with automation of warehouse functions. In the end, the system didn’t provide expected result and the performance was unacceptable. It was completed late, failed to deliver expected benefits and went over budget due to huge expenditures for new computers, software and new warehouse. In 1996, FoxMeyer was forced to file for bankruptcy and was taken over by its largest competitor – McKesson Corp for only US$80m.In 1998, the bankruptcy trustee of FoxMeyer launched 2 lawsuits against SAP and Andersen Consulting. FoxMeyer charged SAP with fraud, negligence and breach of contract for convince them to invest in a system that fai led to achieve the company’s objective which leads to the bankruptcy of FoxMeyer while Anderson Consulting was charged with negligence and breach of contract for failing to properly manage the implementation but both defendants denied the allegations and blamed FoxMeyer for mismanagement.Reasons why FoxMeyer faced failure of ERP system There are many reasons why FoxMeyer faced failure in the ERP system which should assist the company to achieve goal and some of the reasons are same with the issues which were the reasons that lead to Craven Books information system disaster too.The reasons that lead to FoxMeyer’s ERP failure are: 1. Poor selection of the software – SAP R/3 was originally developed and designed for the purpose to business such as manufacturing companies and not for business such as wholesaler, especially those doing large number of transactions.This software has never been used for wholesale distributor before because this software lacked many req uirements needed for successful  wholesale distribution. SAP R/3 was inflexible software, it required many time and a large amount of financial investment if it require any modification and this software was unable to handle large number of orders. These weaknesses were the reason why this software was not suitable to FoxMeyer because this company handled orders from thousands of pharmacies and each of pharmacy had hundreds of items.2. Lack of contingency planning – FoxMeyer didn’t prepare any contingency planning to deal with the changes in the business operations. For example, one of FoxMeyer’s major client which was accounted for more than 15% of FoxMeyer’s business, declared bankruptcy shortly after FoxMeyer’s launched the ERP system.3. No end user involvement – The implementation of this ERP system was done using a top-down approach. The planning was performed by FoxMeyer’s upper management, Andersen Consulting and few technica l people. Only a few end users were participated in the planning, analysis and design process. In the end, there was a communication gap between the end users and the system planners.4. No restructuring the business process was done – SAP was not fully integrated and worked effective because FoxMeyer was incapable to reengineering their business processes in order to make the software to work more efficient.5. Lack of system testing – Due to the reason of rushed schedule, some modules testing was skipped. Other than that, the system was not properly tested to detect any problems when the system handling large amount of orders. There wasn’t enough testing and lack of time to modify or debug the system to ensure its functionality.6. Over-ambitious project scope – FoxMeyer’s project team members and information system staff were unfamiliar with the system hardware, system software and application software. In the end, the project scope was enlarged wi th simultaneous implementation of computerized warehouse project.  Other than that, some technical issues on complication were not managed properly by the staff and this incurred extra expenditures and time.7. Poor management support – At first, the management level were supportive and committed to the implementation of ERP system but once the implementation started, management were unwilling to acknowledge any system problems. Furthermore, management failed to identify the timeliness and resources needed in the implementation process.Recommendations According to the case of FoxMeyer, the case is very similar with Craven Books’ case especially in the reasons that both company can’t identify suitable software for company and insufficient of preparations or pre-activities before the implementation new system. In order to eliminate and cope the issues, Craven Books should follow these recommendations before the implementation of new system.1. Software selection à ¢â‚¬â€œ A project steering committee should be created and should involve high level of expertise, both technical and operational in the software selection process. They should do some research in different software, compare and assess their pros and cons to identify the suitable software which best fit the business needs.2. Contingency plan – A contingency plan should be develop to handle the situation when the system failure. Stipulate clearly the roll back procedures or develop new contingency plans to prepare for the breakdown of any system modules and for the total new system.3. Stakeholders’ involvement – Any new project implementation should get the involvement of all stakeholders which also include end users and customers of the company. All related parties should understand the purpose of the project and voice out their opinion especially in the earlier stage when any critical issues are just evolving.4. Thorough testing – An organized comprehens ive testing plan should be develop, encourage user participation in the testing process and make sure proper testing situations are done to the new system.5. Realistic project scope – Project scope should not be over-ambitious, it should be clearly identified with realistic targets.6. End user support – All employees and end users should be well trained to handle the new system. Response and address to the end users’ concern to reduce any negative feelings to the new systems. Identify the need of any changes on agents and create a high and positive morale to meet the new challenges.7. Post implementation review – Quality assurance and control programs should be develop to ensure the system checks are done. Develop business metrics to measure and compare the project’s estimated results with project’s actual result that have been achieved. Prepare an evaluation report and pass to stakeholders to review the results.Issue 2 The second issues are that the company relied too much on their consultants and suppliers who provide the system. This could be issues for Craven because they did not review the system, all the procedure just follows the consultant’s suggestion, they did not test the efficiency and the effectiveness of the system before it implemented.The consultant’s suggested Craven to go for an existing system, the suggestion for Craven’s purpose was a bad choice, and it’s like putting a third wing on a jumbo jet. The things were going fast but at the end it does not work. Craven is too much reliance to the outside consultant. Craven did not do any reference check to the consultant; they just hired the consultant and just rely on the consultant to do the implementation of the new system for the company.Consultant is playing an important role when a company wants to implement a new system. The consultant responsible for the whole systems, to provide the software solutions and other recommen dations based on the assessment. Consultant do give advice, but they frequently also perform tasks that  result from that advice. Those tasks can range from running a public relations campaign to building a customized order fulfillment system. The consultant may integrate customized software into a business or organization’s processes in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the systems and to minimize manpower or the costs.For example, a fitness centre could benefit from the integration of proprietary software that tracks the progress of the gym’s members, in the form of measurements and other personalized data. A consultant, might specialize in the creation of such software for the fitness centre, and pitch the software to various business and organizations within the fitness industry. As software can perform a wide variety of functions, a software consultant might deliver software solutions to a wide variety of industries. Businesses and organizati ons will often hire one or a firm on a contract basis, if such expertise is not already is available in-house. For example, a real estate company that already employs a computer programmer, webmaster, or other information technology professionals might also hire a consultant who can create a database of properties customized to suit the company’s information management needs.If the consultant fail to perform their tasks, there is many possible failure for the project and will impact the whole company as well. The company will face cost overruns, over budget and project delay due to the poor project management by the consultant. The consultant is not focus on the organizations change systems and lack of attention to the business process reengineering. Some consultants have never done the things they consult on. In innovation circles this means they have never been managed a team of people, never prototyped an idea, never filed a patent, never taken creative risks, so instead o f banking on their experience, or even their knowledge of the experience of others, they make stuff up, there is an issues arise from that.Recommendation There is no one to blame with this implementation, the company should cancel the whole project and kick out the consultant. For the implementation of the new system, Craven should seek a qualified and experienced consultant but  not just book knowledge. A good consultant has valuable experience in one or more areas of specialty, and they can use this experience for the company advantages. Craven at start should select the right consultant firm, next is to get the consultant involved early and set up a clear and formal communication system allowing the company to communicate with the consultant what they needs to be clearly understood and turn into designing the software that suitable for the company.Craven should having an interview session to choose the consultant from the hundreds out there, have a reference check on the consul tant to check their background to ensure they have a good background and don’t have any bad reputation out there, also have to review what they have done before, for example if they have any success implementation job before and when choosing a suitable consultant don’t forget the fact that the company will need to work closely with this person for months and sometimes years, so have to choose carefully to ensure the consultant can work with the employees, the consultant should has the ability to communicate effectively and gather accurate details regarding to the business process.Craven buy the system from the supplier and trying to get more advice from consultant is not wrong. However, the mistake of Craven is they relied too much with the supplier and consultant that they did not carefully review the advice and do a better decision before implemented the system. Craven can collect all the opinion and suggestion from the consultant but have to review and have a meeti ng with top management to consider the possible consequences that may affect the company as a whole. The top management have to consider cautiously and have to discuss the feasibility to implement the new system, coming out with a better outcome for the better future for the company.Planning is very important before the consultancy process so that the business is able to set out the objectives that they want to achieve after implemented the new system in the company. In addition, Craven has to ensure that they are hiring a consultant that has adequate knowledge about the system implementation. A consultant with adequate experience has the ability to identify the specific needs of the business based on the knowledge that  they have acquired over the years.Craven should not rely on the suppliers. Suppliers can supply with the templates and best practices that can take the company a good part of the way but Craven still need to define what is constitutes success and failure, progress and set-backs, also set a deadlines. Top management of Craven should have the responsibility to the company, they must have to know that suppliers are just selling the software and the implementation, the decision of the management made will directly affect the future for the whole company. Craven have to know what their business processes up front is, and don’t let the suppliers software define for the company.Issue 3 The third reason that causes the new system implementation failed is nobody is responsible on the system. Based on the case study, the intension of Carven Book decided to implement new system for enhancing their company competitive and more effectiveness for company system, but there were not one to follow up and back up the systems after implementationThis failure happened to be nobody to handle or managed the systems or the lack of system team members and leader who have experience in this information system field followed all the requirements needed to make the project successful. Hence, Carven management lack of experiences and it is a first time of system implementation to the company. Before these, all the company’s transactions, orderings, delivering was under manual systems. Due to company willing see improvement of the information system, they started their first try to implement the computer system.Besides that, Cravens argued the responsible of information supporting should be provided and back- up by the supplier of the software, on the other hand, supplier re-blamed back they do not have any responsibility on this issue since they just developed the ready software and sell to their customer needs. Both parties involved blamed to each other for the consequent that it is the sole mistake of the management of the company because they did not again, strategically planned the project.Due to the issue arose, below are the recommendations parts can be given:Employing IT technical support background people as company employee As result of new system transformation of company, Carven may consider to employ new staff from the specific IT field as company sources for supporting and back- up Company new system implementation as a team with the former management. Forming a department or a group member into â€Å"system development & supporting group† with collaboration with the company system user for supporting company system.Hence, Carven may appoint management manager as the department head whose job scope is leading the whole team of members to solve the problems what the system user met during implementing period. At the beginning stage, department manager has to conduct the new system education to company system user through system trainings & lessons for the current staffs.Normal situation can be seen in the beginning of new system implementation, the most of the users were lacking of experiences in applying the new system in their workplace, especially for Carven employee who is the first time who use the new system in 1990s. After few months of training and lesson, company system users will be more familiar and useful to systems.It can be seen that they have more capability and acceptable for using the new software in this period. In this system implementation stage, department manager may regard the system support in more upper and deeper level on the system error or system problems which maybe faced by the company users. System users must voice up the issue and the problems which they faced and handled to the IT group. Through this issue arose, IT supporting group must size up the situation and problems at the first and try to resolve it for the current company demand.Some of the time, company may change their company strategy or follow the customer’s need changes, it will affect directly into company information system procedure and lastly system user will also be affected through the transformation. That situation may generate some dispute and problems betwee n the system and the users. IT development group have to follow up it  and back up anytime with those issues arise.Their job scope not only on the back up the system, however they also involved in protecting and upgrade the software system if there have any disputes between the system and user or customers. The reason that some of outdated or old system code or services transaction, it was not be used by the company, thus IT group should upgrade into new version.Do not rely too much on the Suppliers and ready software It is important that always picking a reliable suppliers and ready software company for future better support. Some of the ready software company and suppliers who are not too much experience and have depth software knowledge will drag the effectiveness when any problems arise. IT support Group or specific manager must always take noted the software version depend company need to the suppliers in anytime for the better system using. Besides that, IT group members may pint out the problems which is software shortcoming or deficiency to the supplier then has a period meeting with ready software suppliers in a quarter year once for system information updating.Another important factor should be taken note by company user are not rely too much with the suppliers. If they faced any issues from the former system, it will drag down company performance once supplier cannot give the system support on time. Company implement information systems may hire and develop their own IT support group in company for nearest support and backup.Benchmarking with other company One of the business strategies can be applied in Carven book is benchmarking. Benchmarking is the process of comparing one's business processes and performance metrics to industry bests or best practices from other industries. Dimensions typically measured are quality, time and cost. In the process of best practice benchmarking, management identifies the best firms in their industry, or in anoth er industry where similar processes exist, and compares the results and processes of those studied or the â€Å"targets† to one's own results and processes. In this way, they learn how well the targets perform and, more importantly, the business processes that explain why these firms are successful.The objective of benchmarking is to understand and evaluate the current position of a business or organization in relation to â€Å"best practice† and to identify areas and means of performance improvement. This process is used in management and particularly strategic management, in which organizations evaluate various aspects of their processes in relation to best practice companies' processes, usually within a peer group defined for the purposes of comparison.This then allows organizations to develop plans on how to make improvements or adapt specific best practices, usually with the aim of increasing some aspect of performance. Benchmarking may be a one-off event, but is often treated as a continuous process in which organizations continually seek to improve their practices.Company can choose benchmarking with other not the same field company which is best practice in information system owning to understand other company system. Through the benchmarking, company send out some IT supporting group member out to benchmarking company learn their best system culture and how they implement the system in their company. Thus, the benchmarking project may exchange the views and experience between the benchmarking company and current company each other together during their visit.Once the benchmarking project finished, IT supporting group member may discuss with current company system user concerning the good practice and services from benchmarking company respectively as well as learn from it and improving the deficiency of current systems. Also, it is vital that any new system developing or changing must according or depending to present company’s ne ed and requirement.Recommendations from the video In the end of the video, there were some recommendations were given the computer journalist-Lynn Clarke. She suggested that the company should consider the business priority than the technology and simplify or rationalized the business as possible. Moreover, she also gave comment that the company should utilize the time to in prepare and design strategic plan before making any decisions in choosing the suitable system that fit the  company. So, in order for Craven Books to solve its problem and continually to have a competitive position in the market place, a strategic planning must be done before the information technology system was created to prevent any more problems and major downturn.Conclusion As for conclusion, nowadays all the industries need information technology in order to become the strongest in the marketplace. It shows that to be competitive in this modern world, information system should follow up too. This is to e nsure that the company is achieving to the needs of its stakeholders and to meet the requirement that the customers wants.However, in order for Craven Books to solve the problem and continually have competitive position in the marketplace they must bear in mind that creating new systems for the company, they need to do strategic planning, having a meeting among all top management in the company to discuss about the possible for the implementation, and to have enough preparation to implement the new systems in order to prevent all the possible problems happened during the implementation stages.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Software Engineering Assignments

1.For each of the following documents, indicate in which phse(s) of the software life cycle it is produced: final user manual, architectural design, SQA plan, module specification, source code, statement of work, test plan, preliminary user annual, detailed design, cost estimate, project plan, test report, documentation.2.Order the following tasks in terms of the waterfall model: acceptance testing, project planning, unit testing, requirements review, cost estimating, high level design, market analysis, low-level design, systems testing, design review, implementation, requirement specification.3.How does a phased life cycle model assist software management?SOFTWARE METRICS1.What is McCabe’s cyclomatic number? Determine the same for:2.In Halstead’s metrices, what is the significance of : (i)operators and operands (ii)potential operands, (iii)Length (iv)Estimated length (v)Volume (vi)Potential volume (vii)Implementation Level3.How is effort and time calculated in Halstead method?4.Why is the number of decisions + 1 an important method for calculating McCabe’s cyclomatic no.? (Ans: It would be very time consuming to have to construct the control flow graph for large programs).5.Why is monotonicity an important characteristic of a size or effort metric such as Halstead’s effort metric? (Ans: If adding more code can cause the value of the effort metric to decrease, then the metric’s behavior is not understandable. It may also mean that the metric is manipulated).6.Why is complexity not readily measurable? (Ans: Complexity is not well defined and each one has different interpretation. It is interaction between person and code that makes it difficult to define). 7.Calculate McCabe’s complexity on the following source code. Draw a control flow graph. Read x,y,z;Type = ‘scalene’; If(x= =y or x= =z or y = =x) type = ‘isosceles’; If(x= =y or x= =z) type ‘equilateral’; If(x> =y+z or y > =x+z o r z>= x+y)) type ‘not a triangle’; If(x< =0 or y< =0 or| z

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom Cognizant IT Company essay

buy custom Cognizant IT Company essay The scope of this paper will be confined towards the analysis of recruitment practices prevalent in Cognizant Technologies Solutions Corp. There are various techniques used in the recruitment and staffing processes for the purpose of human resource planning. These practices will be analyzed in this research. In this regard, the paper will specifically consider the recruitment practices in the Cognizant Technologies company in the IT sector. The aim of this research will be focused on the analysis of different practices prevalent in this company; one best practice among them will also be selected. For this purpose, a specific research methodology will be selected and implemented in the light of this research aim. After that the researcher will make use of data collected for the purpose of interpreting findings to decide about any solution for the intended research question. The data collection methodologies will focus on both data collection methods, in order to assure for the accuracy related with the findings, which will be derived out of the processing and interpretation of the data. All the principles and the guidelines which are being followed in the recruitment practices of information and technology personnel will be discussed and associated with the research.. All the discussion carried out will be in form of conclusion at the end of the research work. Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp. is an information and technology company in America which also offers consulting and outsourcing services in business processes. Cognizant Technologies operates in IT services and IT consulting industry. The company has been one of the best ranked U.S. companies in the year 2011. The nature of the business environment in which the company operates includes its competitors, suppliers, distributors, employees, stakeholders, and customers. Such business environment influences company's marginal sales and profitability. The success in any company like Cognizant Solutions Company, which usually operates mainly for marketing and the acquisition of high profits, is dependent on the management and the establishment of all the products and services that are being offered by the company. For a company to be able to compete and survive in the competitive market, it has to be very successful. The success of a company or organization can be defined by the cons tant innovation and development of the companys product lines and the increasing clientele numbers. Several methodologies are used for the purpose of recruitment and selection of candidates who are suitable for the discharge of organisational commitments. Discharge of organisational duties and commitments may refer to the effective role play related to the job profile handed over to the incumbent. The selection process aims to analyse skills and capabilities of the candidates in relation to the requirements that are to be fulfilled when they are assigned a task. There are many positive and negative aspects that are associated with all the different techniques that are employed for the purpose of recruitment and selection. Accordingly, the human resource planning is a key area that needs to be focused on for the development of the entire organization and for the accomplishment of organizational goals. Primarily, this research paper seeks to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques employed for the purpose of recruitment. Thus, there is a potential need for it to be carried out in order to gain an insight into the different recruitment and selection practices used in Cognizant Technologies. This will ultimately help members in the organisation to decide upon the most appropriate method of recruitment. The recruitment and selection in Cognizant Technologies has been considered as a very important task at the workplace and the entire process is regarded as crucial for the success of the company. The research background explains that there are several techniques employed for the purpose of staff recruitment. These techniques are extremely crucial and do have an impact on the organisational dimensions. In this regard the research question and the other areas to be focused on are also defined in this part of the research work. The key question revolves around the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various recruitment techniques; while the ancillary questions that are designed to support the main question are related to consideration of specific conditions and situations in the recruitment process. During the recruitment and selection process, there is a multi-fold interference of technology which is adopted in the company. As a result, when it comes to the selection of professionals for the company itself, there is a pressing need to be more focused and meticulous in the selection criteria and recruitment techniques. This indicates the significance of this research project and explains the aspects that are required in terms of prioritising during the course of the research work. The research motive is related to the evaluation of the relative advantages and disadvantages that underpin the recruitment and selection techniques that are adopted within Cognizant Technologies Company. A sample size of 50 respondents in the companys information technology sector was selected on a random basis. The sample size of 50 IT executives, who are handling senior positions and are directly related with the recruitment tasks carried out in this sector, has been selected. It is evident that with the small sample size, it is not possible to gain considerable results, and, as such, the results obtained cannot be generalized for the entire population. Typeofstudy The study is both quantitative and qualitative. It involves multivariate regression statistic to study the target group. The statistical instrument used is quantitative as it showed the number of participants studied, while the correlation between the different variables is qualitative. Hypothesis It was assumed that there is a direct relationship between the recruitment practices and the general success of the company. Procedure A survey would be carried out using questionnaire; the target audiences for this purpose are the management members functional in Cognizant Technologies. Alongside them, managers responsible for the recruitment and selection procedures are also being targeted. Also, in this particular research, the questionnaire has been designed in a way that it is inclusive of several questions related to the recruitment practices being followed in the information and technology sector in Cognizant Technologies. All these questions are meant to gain an insight in the practices prevalent in this industry and in keeping with this, the skills required to be present in the IT professionals are also realized. In this questionnaire, some alternatives have been stated from which respondents have to select. This would assist respondents in their attempt to complete the questionnaire easily. The use of a structured questionnaire makes the research process smooth, as these questionnaires are easy to administer, and they are also relatively inexpensive. The option of alternate replies at various times helps respondents to understand the meaning of the questionnaire. The results of the impact study are described in three sections. Based on the results, in response to the section I, it was found out that the majority of the people who are involved with Cognizant IT Company are mostly young people who are between the ages of 20-35, which represented about 70% of the total respondents; with the least respondents belonging to the people who are above 40 years. A total of 56 professionals out of 100 were IT graduates. Only 24 respondents were qualified up to IT Post-graduation and 20 respondents had professional qualification other than graduation and post-graduation in IT. This reflects that mostly young graduates dominate in the IT sector and are recruited by companies. It was revealed in the graph that 50 out of 100 respondents had been working for a time period of 2-5 years, while 36 respondents had been working for less than 2 years. It should be noted that only 10 out of 100 respondents had been working for a period of 6-9 years, while very few, i.e. only 4 respondents, had an experience of more than ten years in the IT sector. In the responses to section II, a total of 78 respondents out of 100 said that the organisations had effective recruitment practices when they were questioned about whether the organisation had effective recruitment practices or not. One should point out that only 18 respondents answered that the organisations did not have effective recruitment practices, and only 4 out of 100 replied 'can't say', as their response, which reflects that the respondents were indeed neutral to the question. A total of 30 out of 78 respondents replied that utilising the best recruiting tools is the most important factor, which makes recruitment process effective. 26 respondents replied that the cost involved is the most important parameter. On the other hand, 16 expressed their concern with the time consumed parameter and 6 participants replied that resource required is the most important parameter. It can be said that the time consumed and effectiveness are the most crucial parameters. In response to the section III, the participants filled out a Likert Scale, where the respondents expressed their responses in terms of strongly agree (1), agree (2), neutral (3), disagree (4) and strongly disagree (5). 36 and 30 respondents expressed their response in terms of strongly agree and agree correspondingly. On the other hand, two groups of 16 and 16 respondents expressed their responses in terms of disagree and strongly disagree, while only 2 participants replied were neutral. It can be said that the recruitment practices being used in Cognizant Technology Solutions are the most appropriate. 56 disagree with the incorporation of a new technology, and 8 of the participants have remained neutral. It can be said that there is no need for the incorporation of new technologies, as the current recruitment practices are effective. A total of 50 disagreed with the need for the alignment and 6 of the participants remained neutral to the question. It can be concluded that the alignment of the different recruitment practices with each other is needed to increase the impact of the recruitment process. 22 and 22 expressed their response in terms of strongly agree and agree to the question concerning the requirement of special skills for the discharge of activities to be carried out in the IT sector. On the other hand, 28 and 22 respondents expressed their responses in terms of disagree and strongly disagree, while only 6 participants replied neutral as their response out of 100 respondents. It can be said that there is a requirement of special skills for the discharge of activities to be carried out in the IT sector of the company. There were 26 and 28 respondents who expressed their opinion in terms of strongly agree and agree to the question concerning the use of employee referrals for recruitment in IT companies. On the other hand, 20 and 18 respondents expressed their views in terms of disagree and strongly disagree, while 8 participants preferred to be neutral. It was pointed out that a change could be seen in the recruitment practices in the last few years with respect to the IT industry. This is due to the fact that the majority of participants, i.e. 42 and 26 respondents out of 100 provided their responses in terms of strongly agree and agree to the question concerning change in the recruitment practices in the past few years within Cognizant Company. On the other hand, 18 and 13 respondents expressed their responses in terms of disagree and strongly disagree, while only 1 participant kept neutral in response to the question. Discussion There are several types of recruitment practices, which are followed and carried out in Cognizant Technologies. It is a very basic and core business activity that is carrieed out in each and every organisation. Similarly, there are beliefs according to which it is stated that recruitment practices are very crucial for such organisations. On the basis of the recruitment practices carried out in the business, a talent pool of favourable candidates is created. This explains that recruitment practices play a crucial role in the human resource planning of any establishment. The type of skills being utilised in the organisation paves the way for the corporate future. This can be further supported in the light of the fact that employees are regarded as the pillars of the organisation. With the use of employees' skills and intellect, organisation can realize the available opportunities in the most appropriate and fruitful manner. There are several techniques which are utilised for the purpose of recruitment and selection of employees, and a number of these techniques are most favourable and are preferred over other means. There are two broad headings in which these recruitment techniques are classified; namely internal and external recruitment techniques. In terms of the internal techniques, they are confined to the limits of the organisation and mainly focus on the employees working in the organisation. One of the practices followed and realised in regard to internal recruitment practices can be defined as succession planning. There are serious efforts which are carried out on the part of organisations in this regard, and account for managing the needs of senior level employees in a proactive manner. With regards to the term proactive, it is worth mentioning that succession planning is carried out before time, when there is no actual position for the profile. On the other hand, there are some other techniques, which are used for recruitment purposes and are defined as internal to the organisation. Also, there are certain positions for which recruiting procedures are carried out on the basis of employee referrals. Various benefits are associated with the use of internal recruitment techniques and one of the key benefits to be mentioned in this regard is related to the attitude of the hired employees. The employees who are hired on behalf of the referrals of the existing employees are well aware of the norms and practices of the organisation of which they are going to be a part. It helps in the development of a favourable and positive attitude. As for the other category of recruitment practices, it is defined as external recruitment practices, and entails all the sources which are external to the company. Some of the examples to be mentioned in this category are campus placement, use of consultants, newspaper advertisements etc. Specific features are in fact associated with these techniques, which helps in the selection of the most appropriate process of recruitment for the company. RecommendationsandConclusions Recruitment and selection practices are the most important aspects to be associated with any organisation like Cognizant Solutions. With the use of these techniques, the corporate plans can be long term in terms of contemporary trends in the industry. It illustrates the importance and impact of recruitment practices in the growth rate and success of the company. This can be elaborated further in that there is a need for the right kind of personnel for a particular job profile. On the basis of this job alignment with the skills of the employees, organisational success can be ensured. As for findings, which have been determined in light of this research work, there are certain recommendations which are required to be followed by companies functional or running the information and technology sector. The first recommendation, which can be deduced in this regard, is related to the use of recruitment practices. There are questions in the survey which are related to this aspect and tend to determine the orientation of the IT executives of this industry, who are engaged in the process of recruitment and selection of the employees. The responses analysed in the results section suggest that there is a need for an IT professional to deal with the governance of the recruitment process to be carried out in an effective manner. It is recommended for current companies in the information and technology industry that they should make use of a person having work experience in the IT industry, so that he/she could associate with the specific organisational needs for various profiles. This will enhance the impact and effectiveness of the recruitment activities. There are some more recommendations, which are to be incorporated for the enhancement of the effectiveness of the recruitment practices in this organisational sector. There are findings suggesting that most of the IT related recruitment practitioners believe that newspaper advertisements are the most effective method to create a talent pool. In this regard, it is recommended for Cognizant Solutions to make use of this technique to deal with the need and requirement of hiring IT professionals for the company. This will help the company to take full advantage of the benefits associated with this recruitment technique. It is clearly stated and shown in the findings section that most of the people engaged in the recruitment practices in the IT sector are related to the use of these techniques and tend to focus on them only. Hence, the company is advised to keep away from trying new recruitment techniques for crucial positions. On the basis of the responses gained, it can be recommended for IT professionals to use these recruitment techniques in an integrated manner, which will help in the accomplishment of a proper alignment between these techniques. This recommendation is based on the nature and skills required for various job profiles. There is a need for a particular type of recruitment activity for different positions. In this context, it can be stated that senior level jobs require credible and more qualified personnel, and for this, employee referrals are more suitable. While on the other hand, for lower level jobs, which are more oriented towards regular work and demand less autonomy, newspaper advertisements are the best suited recruitment practice. Buy custom Cognizant IT Company essay

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Top Tips for Doing College Homework

Top Tips for Doing College Homework In contrast to the academic requirements of high school, college courses present a much heavier, more consistent workload. And with everything else that college students have to manage jobs, personal life, relationships, physical health, cocurricular obligations it can sometimes seem like getting your homework done is an impossible feat. At the same time, however,  not  getting your work done is a recipe for disaster. So, what tips and tricks can you use to get your homework done in college? Tips for Successfully Doing College Homework Use these tips to create a process that works for you and your personal study style. Use a Time Management System Put all major assignments and their due dates in your time management system.  A key part of staying on top of your homework is knowing whats coming; no one, after all, wants to realize on Tuesday that they have a major midterm on Thursday. To avoid surprising yourself, make sure all of your major homework assignments and their due dates are documented in your calendar. That way, you wont inadvertently sabotage your own success simply because youve mismanaged your time. Schedule Homework Time Schedule times to do homework each week, and keep those appointments.  Without designated time for addressing your  to-dos, youre more likely to cram at the last minute, which adds to your anxiety levels. By putting homework on your calendar, youll have the time allocated in your already-too-busy schedule, youll reduce your stress by knowing when, exactly, your homework will be done, and youll be better able to enjoy whatever else you have planned since youll know your homework is already taken care of. Sneak in Your Homework Use small increments of time whenever possible.  You know that 20-minute bus ride you have to and from campus every day? Well, thats 40 minutes a day, 5 days a week which means that if you did some reading during the ride, youd get more than 3 hours of homework done during your commute. Those little increments can add up: 30 minutes between classes here, 10 minutes waiting for a friend there. Be smart about sneaking in small bits of homework so that you can conquer the bigger assignments piece by piece. You Cant Always Get It All Done Understand that you cant always get all your homework done.  One of the biggest skills to learn in college is how to gauge what you  cant  get done. Because sometimes, there really is only so many hours in a day, and the basic laws of physics mean you cant accomplish everything on your to-do list. If you just cant get all your homework done, make some smart decisions about how to choose what to do and what to leave behind. Are you doing great in one of your classes, and skipping the reading one week shouldnt hurt too much? Are you failing another and definitely need to focus your efforts there? Hit the Reset Button Dont get caught up in the get-caught-up trap.  If you fall behind on your homework, its easy to think and hope that youll be able to catch up. So youll set a plan to catch up, but the more you try to catch up, the more you fall behind. If youre falling behind on your reading and are feeling overwhelmed, give yourself permission to start anew. Figure out what you need to get done for your next assignment or class, and get it done. Its easier to cover the material you missed when youre studying for an exam in the future than it is to fall further and further behind right now. Use Your Resources Use class and other resources to help make doing your homework more productive and efficient.  You might, for example, think that you dont need to go to class because the professor only covers whats already been addressed in the reading. Not true. You should always go to class for a variety of reasons and doing so can make your homework load lighter. Youll better understand the material, be better able to absorb the work you do out of class, be better prepared for upcoming exams (thereby saving you studying time and improving your academic performance), and overall just have a better mastery of the material. Additionally, use your professors office hours or time in an academic support center to reinforce what youve learned through your homework assignments. Doing homework shouldnt just be a to-do item on your list; it should be an essential part of your college academic experience.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 15

Humanities - Essay Example During the Justinian reign, a plan to reunite the Roman Empire succeeded. As a way of celebrating the success, they constructed Hagia Sophia, the church of Holy Wisdom. There were other successes, but after Justinian rule had come to an end, the empire suffered several losses (Halsall). Islam is a monotheistic religion that came to be during the 7th century CE in Middle East. The religion literally means submission or surrender. Its basis is on the readings of Prophet Muhammad according to the words of Allah. Allah is their creator; he brought them to earth and is sustainer of the world and life. The holy book (scripture) of the Islam is the Quran and carries all the teachings of the prophet as revealed to him by Allah. There are two divisions within the Islam tradition; the Shia and Sunni. The two hold differing views on maintenance of religious authority. A unifying factor among Muslims is the concept of Five Pillars. The Five Pillars are the practices of Islam, and they are; the hajj, zakat, ritual prayer, profession of faith, and fasting (Baksh, 1-10). In similarities, the three religions are monotheistic as they believe in one God. They take God as a source of everything that exists. They take God as caring and merciful. The religions take humans as the superior creatures on Earth. They are hopeful of future happenings and believe suffering evil cannot prevail. In differences, the religions have different scriptures. Christians use the Bible, Jews use Torah and Talmud, while Muslims use Quran. Christians and Muslims believe there will be a judgment day followed by Hell or Heaven. Jews believe on no immediate eternal life. Charlemagne, Charles the Great, lived between 747 and 814. He received training on leadership matters by participating in military, social and political activities organized by his father who was a mayor of

Friday, November 1, 2019

Analysis of the poor country Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Analysis of the poor country - Essay Example Pakistan does not have a well-developed industrial sector but some of the important industries are Cotton Textile, Woolen Textile, Cement, Sugar factories, Fertilizers, Leather, and paper industries (F. K. Khan). Political History of Pakistan Pakistan came into being on 14 August 1947, with two parts. West Pakistan constituted NWFP, Punjab, Baluchistan and Sindh, whereas East Pakistan constituted of East Bengal. The founder of the nation, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, was the first Governor General. Pakistan was declared as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (official name) with the adoption of parliamentary democratic system of government in 1956 when the first constitution was promulgated. From 1956-1965, the political situation remained unstable with the country’s first Martial Law enforced in 1958. In 1965, Pakistan and India engaged in war over the Kashmir dispute for the first time (Afzal). Pakistan and India fought again in 1971, which resulted in East Pakistan declaring itself as an independent nation to be called Bangladesh. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto formed Pakistan People’s Party and became President of Pakistan and a new Pakistan Constitution was formed in 1973. 1n 1977, Gen. Muhammad Zia-ul Haq promulgated Marshall Law and became the president and Z.A Bhutto was hanged. From 1985, when the Marshall Law was lifted to 1999 Pakistan saw two political leaders become prime ministers alternatively twice. Military Rule was one again established in 1999, and the Army General Musharraf declared himself President in 2001. In 2008, Musharraf stepped down and democracy was restored (H. Khan). Economic History of Pakistan Soon after independence Pakistan’s economy went into recession. The economy suffered in the 1950’s due to weak industrial base and lack of private organizations. By 1960’s, the economy started recovering but in 1970’s the economy fell again due to separation of East Pakistan. It took 12 years to recover from the second recession but that too was short lived. The reason behind this is the corruption and communal unrest (Jaffrelot). In 1998, economic sanctions by the West as Pakistan conducted its first nuclear test also affected the economy. During the time, when General Pervez Musharraf assumed his power he devoted his team to manage the economic crises. During this period, there was considerable progress in achieving macro-economic stability. There was a positive GDP growth rate, fiscal deficits improved, external debts, revenues, exports, and foreign exchange reserves all showed improvement. However, poverty and unemployment increased. The overall picture that emerges from a dispassionate examination of these indicators is that the country made significant economic achievements but had a disappointing record of social development (S. Khan). After 2008, Musharraf resigned a new Government led by Asif Ali Zardari was established. The GDP growth, which had been 5.0 % dropped to just 0.4 % (2008-09) . By October 2008, the inflation reached the highest level of 25 percent. The oil and other commodities prices showed an unprecedented increase. In addition to this, the natural climate in 2010 and 2011 also added to the economic suffering. Extreme power shortages were causing huge losses. Even though, the growth rate of the economy was 6%, there were the worst crises in public enterprises, energy sufferings, and economic mismanagement during these years (United Nations) Current Economy Pakistan’